Three new equine first aid kits are now available to horse owners. EquiMedic USA, Inc., the world leader in equine first aid, has announced that it has released, one brand new endorsed first aid kit, plus two different sizes of wound care management only, complete first aid kits.
EquiMedic sponsored world class barrel racer, Jill Moody, has designed her own equine only first aid kit, in collaboration with EquiMedic USA staff. The two time world reserve champion athlete, Jill Moody, also sought input from fellow and colleague can chasers, in her efforts to create an extremely useful and highly functional horse first aid kit.
The Jill Moody Signature Equine Exclusive First Aid Kit will be EquiMedic’s first truly equine only first aid kit. In the decade old history of this Midwest company, all of their existing first aid kits have featured equine along with at least some human first aid contents. The introduction of the Bunkhouse First Aid Kit in 2009 became EquiMedic’s first, and only, all human first aid kit.
“We barrel racers are pretty much hard-core, all business rodeo performers,” Jill Moody explained. “We should have our own selves covered for our own first aid needs with our hauling vehicles or our living quarters trailers,” the Wrangler National Finals Rodeo (WNFR) arena record holder continued. “Our real need out here on the road had been for quality first aid products and a convenient first aid kit for our horses,” Moody explained.
“I wanted to be part of helping EquiMedic to introduce their first horse only focused first aid kit,” Moody confessed. “We spend so many miles on the road, over 100,000 miles a year, and so much time away from home, making appearance deadlines at rodeos all over the country, and keeping our horses healthy and safe is a major concern and task of not only barrel racers, but many horse owners. We need a down-and-dirty horse only first aid kit to help us keep our horses performing at the peak of their ability.”
Model number KIT012, the Jill Moody Signature Exclusive Equine First Aid Kit is available online now. Check the EquiMedic USA website:, for ordering assistance and more detailed information about his new kit availability.
Additionally, new complete equine kit models KIT013 and KIT014, the Small and Large Complete Wound Care Management Kits respectively, are also now available to the marketplace. “Many horse owners live in areas where sickness and disease are less prevalent than in other areas of the country, and these equine owners are more concerned about their ability to be prepared for wounds and injuries,” according to EquiMedic USA CEO, Sharon Baker. The company already offers a line of Disposable Mini Wound Care Kits which address the immediate and temporary needs of wounds in a variety of small and disposable treatment kits.
The new Small and Large Wound Care Management Kits will speak to the more long term needs of horse owners to be able to care for wounds that are more serious and will require longer treatment plans to successful recovery. The Small Wound Care Kit will be adequate for treating from one to three horses in most circumstances, while the Large Wound Care Kit will be more essential for larger horse herds, up to ten horses.
These three new kits will bring to twelve the number of complete equine first aid kits that EquiMedic USA offers to horse owners. Kits for barn use, trailering, trial riding, and professional, are among the kits now offered by EquiMedic USA. Different sizes of each of these specific need kits are also available for horse owners to choose from.
Any of the famed EquiMedic USA equine first aid kits can be purchased directly from the manufacturer on their website at:, or from most of the major equine retailers across the country, who also sell the essential first aid kits to their customers. Be sure to check with your favorite horse supplier to see if you can obtain your own personal EquiMedic horse first aid kit from one of those dealers, or visit EquiMedic online.
Jill Moody Equine Exclusive Kit Small Wound Care Kit Large Wound Care Kit
KIT012 - $222 KIT013 - $62 KIT014 - $165
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