Since we are a totally mobile society with our horses, wherever the challenge calls from, we load and go. Injury, sickness, or illness can ride with or near us at every turn of the trailer rig. EquiMedic has designed the Trailering Equine First Aid Medical Kit series that will meet most of your emergency needs while traveling down the road. This kit medical bag offers you two outside end pockets, and two center flaps. The top flaps opens upwards and hangs the kit The second flap folds downward. Both offer many smaller pockets on the inside surface. The main compartment features elastic loops on three sides to hold bottles, jars and equipment. A zippered mesh pocket completes the compartment. In this kit you will find the medical supplies that you should need while traveling with your equine athletes.
Rated To Service: From 1 to 3 Horses
Size: 11" Tall; 16" Wide; 11" Deep
Weight: 9 pounds
1,936 cubic inches of storage space
EquiMedic USA Soft-Sided Large Hanging Medical Bag; Alcohol Wipes; Sanitizing Wipes; Povidone Iodine Swabsticks; Bloodstop Powder; Eye Wash; Flashlight; Non-Sterile Dressings; Small & Medium Sterile Dressings; Non-Adherent Dressings; Exam Gloves; Hoof Pick; Long Wooden Handled Cotton Applicators; Tourniquet; Medical Towels; 2” & 4”Cohesive Tape Rolls; Wood Applicators; ¾” Self-Adhesive Bandages; 1” Self-Adhesive Bandages; Bandage Scissors; Bandage Pins; Betadine Surgical Scrub; Antiseptic Ointment; Cotton Roll; Electrolyte Powder; Hydrogen Peroxide; Liniment; Thumb Forceps; 2” Elastic Adhesive Tape Roll; Iodine Wipes; Rolled White & Brown Gauze; Microbial Wipes; Germicidal Wipes; Small & Large Instant Cold Packs; Betadine Solution; Wrap Cutter; Emergency Blanket; 3cc, 6cc, 10cc, 20cc & 30cc Syringes; 18g X 1”, 20g X 1”, 18g X 1.5” & 20g X 1.5” Hypodermic Needles.
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