Bigger Is Better in Medical Emergencies: This is a very stout, durable, and mobile, molded case, featuring a....
This is a very stout, durable, and mobile, molded case, featuring a retractable handle, heavy duty wheels and a double action locking feature. This emergency medical station will meet all of your needs and requirements. With one quick lever release, slide the top section backwards to open and reveal the lower two sections in one swift, easy roller-glide motion. The very top section has two latches which release the lid and reveal a handled, lift-out tray, with a deep main compartment below that. The mid-section of this box has compartmentalized sections, with removable dividers for customization. The bottom section of this medical box set-up is a quite deep, and will store many of your products. This sturdy mobile box will serve you for years around the rough demands of your barn and horses.
Size: 29" Tall; 21" Wide; 13" Deep
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