An Amazing Smaller Kit Medical Bag: This medical bag is so cleverly designed you may want one for a....
This medical bag is so cleverly designed you may want one for a personal gear bag. One easy to carry handle, gives you easy mobility with this bag. An outside front pocket offers quick access to oft used supplies. A double zipper allows the front flap to extend up revealing a metal swivel-hook, designed to hang your bag anywhere. Inside of that flap are large clear vinyl and mesh, zippered pockets for small items. The large main compartment below, features a total of five, tall mesh pockets, around three outer sides, to hold your taller bottles, jars, and equipment. Across the front of the main compartment is another zippered mesh pocket. Two clear vinyl pockets on the back of this bag offer you a place to keep business cards, as well as our signature Vital Signs Card.
Size: 8.5" Tall; 10" Wide; 4.5" Deep
382.5 cubic inches of storage space
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